Writing Methods

[ This page is under development ]

All method classes are subclasses of the Method class. The virtual methods that concrete classes override are shown below:

virtual void Method::compute(Block *block) = 0

Apply the method to advance a block one timestep

The Block::compute_done() method MUST be invoked on all blocks passed to this member function by the end of the control flow that this function launches.

  • In simple cases, that should be done just before this function returns.

  • The placement will varies in more complex cases. For example, if this function invokes a single reduction, the call to Block::compute_done() should be performed after completing the reduction (e.g. in the compute_resume member function)

virtual std::string Method::name() = 0

Return the name of this Method.

inline virtual double Method::timestep(Block *block)

Compute maximum timestep for this method

The default implementation returns the maximum finite value of double

inline virtual void Method::compute_resume(Block *block, CkReductionMsg *msg)

Resume computation after a reduction

This member function only typically needs to be implemented by Method classes that employ reductions.


This page is very incomplete. Among other things, we have not discussed pup routines.


When writing a Method class, it’s useful to understand how it is used by Cello/Enzo-E.

Recall that when you launch Enzo-E, you specify how many PEs (processing elements) should be used on the command line. During startup, a list of Method objects are constructed on each PE, based on the parameter file (this list is managed by the PE’s Problem instance). It’s also useful to remember simulation data (e.g. fields and particles) are associated with Block objects. Throughout the simulation each PE is responsible for evolving a local set of 1 or more Block objects (note that load-balancing can theoretically migrate Block objects).

Before each compute cycle, Cello/Enzo-E determines the current timestep. For each local Block, a PE invokes the timestep for each of its Method instances to determine constraints on the next timestep. Some other considerations (e.g. user-specified scheduling of operations/stopping at certain simulation times) may alter the duration of the timestep. Finally, a reduction is performed to pool together the constraints from all blocks.

During the compute cycle, each PE executes a control flow similar to the following code snippet. Be mindful, that the following snippet doesn’t actually exist anywhere in the codebase.

void call_compute_on_all_methods(std::vector<Method*> &method_l,
                                 std::vector<Block*> &local_block_l){
  std::size_t num_methods = method_l.size();
  std::size_t num_local_blocks = local_block_l.size();

  for (std::size_t method_ind = 0; method_ind < num_methods; num_methods++){
    Method* cur_method = method_l[method_ind];

    for (std::size_t j = 0; j < num_local_blocks; j++){
      /* do some fancy stuff related to refreshing fields with data from
         neighboring blocks */

      // call compute on the method

    /* apply a synchronization barrier to make sure that all blocks across
     * all processes have finished completing the current Method.
     * (essentially, wait for block->compute_done() to be called on every
     * block...)



The previous section should have made it clear that a given Method instance generally has its timestep and compute method invoked on one or more Block per cycle. Consequently, problems can arise if you mutate the attributes of a Method instance based on data from a given Block instance.

A good rule-of-thumb for new developers is that you should generally avoid mutating attributes Method object outside of the constructor. If you need to associate data with a given Block, you should consider using one of the specialized data interfaces that exist for:

  • field data (managed by Field)

  • particle data (managed by Particle)

  • scalar data (managed by Scalar)

An advantage of using these interfaces is that the associated data will be appropriately migrated if a Block migrates between PEs. In certain cases one might alternatively add an attribute to EnzoBlock, but that’s generally discouraged if it can be avoided (the Scalar interface is usually a better choice).

As an aside, there may be times where it makes sense to violate this guideline (e.g. to facillitate optimizations).

Standard properties tracked in base class

All Method classes provide some standardized properties that are managed through the base class.

In some of the following cases, we will talk about how the parameter gets specified for a hypothetical method called "my_method" (in this hypothetical scenario, subclass’s implementation of name() would return "my_method").

Courant Number

All Method classes have an associated courant condition. For a method named "my_method", the courant value is specified via the parameter called Method:my_method:courant.

This parameter is automatically parsed by machinery in the Cello layer and the machinery will update the Method objects with this value right after the constructor is called. The value of this parameter can be accessed in a Method subclass with the following function:

inline double Method::courant() const

Query the associated courant factor.

This parameter is usually accessed in the subclass’s implementation of timestep().

At this time, developers should avoid parsing and tracking the courant value separately within the subclass.


This should not be confused with the Method:courant parameter. This parameter specifies a global courant factor that should never be touched by a Method subclass. Instead, this parameter is entirely handled by the rest of the Cello infrastructure.


All Method classes support the ability to be scheduled. For a method named "my_method", the schedule is specified via a subgroup called schedule. The rules for specifying a schedule are fairly standard and are described elsewhere in the documentation.

The initialization and usage of an associated schedule are all handled by external Cello machinery. A Method subclass should never need to interact with it (in fact, interacting with it improperly could cause problems).

Refresh Machinery

Cello provides some standardized machinery for specifying requirements related to the fields and particles that need to be refreshed. The refresh operations are automatically handled by the Cello machinery prior to calls to the method class.

Configuration of this machinery is typically handled in the constructor of a Method subclass.

[ This section is incomplete ]